Tag: mushroom

Vietnamese Tofu Loaf | Mắm chưng chay

Mắm chưng chay By Helen Le Published: December 21, 2022Prep: 10 minsCook: 40 minsReady In: 50 minsYield: 4 ServingsAnother way to enjoy your daily family meal with tofu. The vegetarian version of Vietnamese meatfoaf has a moist texture and full of flavor.Course VegetarianSkill Level: EasyEasyEasyPrint…

Cà Tím Xào Nấm Lá Húng Quế – Stir-fried Eggplant with Mushrooms and Basils

Cà Tím Xào Nấm Lá Húng Quế – Stir-fried Eggplant with Mushrooms and BasilsBy Helen Le Published: June 28, 2022Great flavor combination of eggplant, mushrooms and basils.Cuisine: VietnamVietnamVietnamVietnamVietnamVietnamSkill Level: ModerateModeratePrint Ingredients king oyster mushroom halved lengthwise, then cut crosswise into thin slices, rinsed with salted…

Lẩu Nấm – Mushroom Hot Pot

Lẩu Nấm – Mushroom Hot PotBy Helen Le Published: July 13, 2014Prep: 15 minsCook: 30 minsReady In: 45 minsYield: 3-4 ServingsFor vegetarian version, use seeweed or kelp (kombu) instead of chicken and soy sauce instead of fish sauce.Cuisine: VietnamCourse EntréePrint Ingredients500 g daikon radish peeled…