HOTDOG MUMMIESBy Helen Le Published: June 28, 2022Prep: 5 minsCook: 15 minsReady In: 20 minsHOTDOG MUMMIES – XÚC XÍCH XÁC ƯỚP – Watch how to make it on YoutubeSkill Level: Child FriendlyPrint Ingredients5 sausages 75 g wheat flour 5 g sugar 1 g salt 75…
About me

Since 2011, I've passionately shared my cooking videos on social media to help food lovers make mouthwatering authentic Vietnamese dishes at home. I've been featured in many prestigious magazines and TV shows, playing different roles like a character, guest, and even a cooking show host. I'm also a proud author of best-selling cookbooks that have made their way into kitchens all over the world. You can grab my cookbooks in English, Vietnamese, or Chinese from tons of online stores and bookshops worldwide. Let's cook up some tasty adventures together!